Olin Devignet

Wizard - Human


Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Olin is a very boisterous person; he'll always make his presence known whether others like it or not. This can contribute to another factor of his character: he has a tendency to come off loudmouthed, ill-mannered, and crude. And ill-mannered he certainly is, as he believes there is no use for common manners or courtesy. His mannerisms clearly hint at an underprivileged upbringing.
With a history of criminal activity, he always seems a little shifty. Guards in major cities will keep a closer eye on him, as well as shopkeepers. On that same note, Olin is a kleptomaniac. His impulses are hard to control, and he'll grow defensive when it is brought up by others.
Olin is a troublemaker, through and through. Any opportunity to spark a brawl (despite his diminutive size), or a battle of wits, he will take. He often finds himself going out of his way to incite trouble wherever he may find it, which has led him many times to temporary chains.

physical description

Olin isn’t particularly strong, nor is he particularly weak. An unusually feminine body means he is sometimes mistaken for a woman. He spends the majority of his time studying & experimenting with his abilities, which leaves little to no time for physical training.

From head to toe: he has short, haphazardly cut wavy black hair that more often than not blankets his eyes. Said eyes are deep-set & tilted downwards, which accentuates the dark circles that make themselves home under his steely blue eyes. Olin has rounder, softer features, aside from narrow eyes and angled eyebrows. He has dark, burnt umber-ish coloured skin.

He has an overall lithe build, with long slender limbs. Unfortunately, another notable thing about himself is that he is unusually short, as he stands at 5'3" (164 cm).

basic information

Full name: Olin Luciah DevignetCurrent level: 46Age: 19Pronouns & gender: Male, he/him/hisBirthday: May 13thSpecies/ethnicity: Human, CalpheonianSexuality: Demiromantic PansexualSocial class/wealth: Lower class, he isn't very wealthy eitherOccupation: Offically unemployed, does odd-jobsResidence: NomadicDisorders: Kleptomania, possible ADHD/ADD


Fears: Cats, death, falling/heights.Hobbies: Practicing his spellwork, reading tomes, drinking, & fighting.Dislikes: Authority and people in positions of authority, & babies/children.Likes: Liquor, snow & any natural scenery, the colour red.Goals: To live a life of ultimate hedonsim (goals may change as time goes on and I develop his character)Habits: Occasional smoking proves to be a bad one; he is also prone to pacing/running his hands through his hair when he's nervous.